Worth More Than Its Weight in Gold

Several years ago, I had a client who needed to sell several pieces of her family's jewelry and asked me to negotiate the best price for her.

I hadn't heard from her in a while, but recently I received a call from someone in her network who needed to speak to a trusted professional in the fine jewelry industry.

He had a very heavy 18K gold necklace, which weighed over 7 oz and wanted to sell it for the highest price. Luckily the price of gold is up, and I helped him to receive the best offers in the fine jewelry district.

So, how do I do this?

First and foremost, we had to know the exact weight of the piece and price for gold on the day we are selling. As the price of gold fluctuates daily, we have to be aware of its current value.

Once we knew the exact gold price, we were able to engage with my many contacts. I showed this necklace to five individual dealers, and I was able to negotiate on my client's behalf.

Happily, we received a price that was greater than just the gold weight, which is often the case when a piece doesn't include gemstones or isn't a sought-after brand.

He was very pleased with the outcome and was able to walk away with a substantial amount of money.

Hopefully, this will help him have a happy and joyous new year!


TIP: Know exactly who you are working with, so you can receive the best offers for your jewelry. A seasoned professional such as myself can help you navigate the industry. 

Call me for details.
~ Jane

www.jbjewels.com    (212) 923-3328


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