Stories of custom designs, high-value sales, exceptional estates, and appraisals.

Why Custom Engagement Rings Are Best
Sales Gabby Pogel Sales Gabby Pogel

Why Custom Engagement Rings Are Best

I’m so happy for my friends when they get engaged that I don’t necessarily need them to hire me to custom make their engagement ring, because my friendship is more important to me than the sale.

With that in mind, this particular couple trusted I would make exactly what they wanted, in the right time frame, at the right price. As I say, "It’s not my money, it’s yours, and you’re the boss."

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Selling Your Gold
Appraisals, Sales Gabby Pogel Appraisals, Sales Gabby Pogel

Selling Your Gold

I know a lot of people in the fine jewelry industry. Most have expertise in a specific area. Julie has a large Asian clientele, so she focuses on the specific tastes of her community. Steve deals in antiques and collectibles. Harry focuses on modern and contemporary jewelry. Edward is in high end antique pieces as well as fine gemstones. Rick and Joe are diamond dealers. And I know many more.

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