Emeralds: Romance & Rebirth
As Spring finally approaches, I notice all the seasonal colors like green, light blue, pink, and peach. My eye is always drawn to emerald, due to the intense color and because it is my birthstone.
Did you know emeralds are symbolic of rebirth, renewal, and vitality?
Emerald is highly sought after as a precious gemstone and a green gem variety of beryl. Chromium gives emerald its beautiful color, ranging from yellow-greens to emerald greens.
Emeralds as an Every-day Piece of Jewelry
Contrary to popular belief, emeralds can be worn as an every-day piece of jewelry. They are actually quite scratch-resistant, being 7.5-8 of 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. This means they are durable enough to be worn daily.
However, it is important to note that like all gems (even diamonds), emeralds can crack or chip if struck hard enough.
Emeralds have lots of surface-reaching inclusions. If the gem has many deep inclusions, it may crack.
Durability also depends on the setting and how you will wear your emerald. These are the questions I typically ask my clients before designing a piece of jewelry:
What sort of work do you do?
Will you wear this piece every day?
How do you plan to wear it?
Once my clients answer these questions, we have a better idea of the right gem for the design.
The price of an emerald is dependent on the surface-reaching inclusions, color, and size, similar to how you would grade a diamond.
Wedding band using Columbian emeralds and diamonds in an 18K yellow gold setting
As seen in the ring above, these emeralds are set low and protected by yellow gold. Opting for a setting similar to this one is great for an everyday ring.
Emeralds as Engagement Rings
When considering an emerald engagement ring, I suggest you select a low setting and if possible, surrounded by gold.
Emerald makes for gorgeous engagement rings, as long as you care for this delicate gem.
Choosing a higher setting presents a greater risk, so you must be aware of these factors before selecting your emerald engagement ring.
What Makes an Emerald Valuable?
Along with surface-level inclusions, clarity, size, and color impact the value of an emerald.
A larger, cleaner gem will command a higher price than a smaller one, as will a deeper color.
Another factor that determines individual value is the location of the gem. For example, a client of mine wanted to use Columbian emeralds in the piece he created for his wife, who is part Columbian.
Caring for Your Emeralds
Emeralds have their own natural oils. When cleaning, do not clean your emeralds with ultrasonic cleaners, steam machines, or acetone.
Also, avoid using strong soaps like jewelry liquids or cleaners that are not compatible with the oils in the emerald. When using water, a good rule of thumb is that if the water is too hot for your hand, you should not place your emerald in it.
You should have a seasoned professional who understands emeralds clean your pieces at least once a year if worn frequently (as with all your jewelry).
The more you wear it, the more often it should be cleaned.
Just because emeralds are May's birthstone doesn't mean this is the only month you can wear them. Enjoy your emeralds year round with your little black dress or keep it casual with jeans.
Two examples of emerald jewelry I have created.
TIP: When choosing the right setting for your emerald, always be aware of when you'll be wearing it and how you'll be wearing it. Working with a seasoned professional such as myself will help you determine the perfect setting for you.
Contact me with any questions.
~ Jane
(212) 923-3328 jane@jbjewels.com
Fine Jewelry Redefined